Version 0.395 - 02-23-2004

AR: animal rights, the AR movement or AR activism in general.
person: a human
care: to take interest in or to be concerned with.
living being: any plant, animal, fungi, protozoan, bacteria, etc.
targeted: specifically chosen or sought.
extent: a degree to which something is; a quantity of a certain type of thing.


A: Every person cares about each living being to a different extent;
B: Some people care about some living beings to a different extent than other living beings, and, some people care about the same living being to a different extent than other people;
C: Every person is willing to accept AR to a different extent;
W:Some people should be targeted for AR education;
D: People who are more likely to accept AR education should be more targeted and people who are less likely to accept AR education should be less targeted;

A; W; A->B; B->C; (C&W)->D; /D

Assuming A and W are true:
If A then B;
If B then C;
If C and W, then D;
Therefore D is true.

Rationals(by example -- this is work in progress; alpha stage):
Mr. Guy cares about birds more than horses and Miss Girl cares about horses more than birds.
B: Mr. Guy cares about dogs more than cats and Miss Gal cares about cats more than Mr. Guy cares about cats.
C: Miss Gal cares about all animals therefore she is willing to accept that all animals should have rights. Mr. Guy only cares about dog and humans and thinks they are the only animals who deserve rights. Clearly Miss Gal will accept AR and Mr. Guy will not.
W: (see C) Since Miss Gal will accept AR and Mr. Guy will not, Miss Gal should be targeted for education and whereas Mr. Guy would be a waste of time (but we will get to him later).
D: (see W)

Restatement: Those who are more likely to accept AR, should be targeted for AR education. In turn, these new "recruits" will "recruit" others. The point is to not create a fad effect or any type of temporary supporters. The people who come to accept and support AR activism though their own free will, are the ones who truly embrace it.

The Set of Caring People
People who care about:

all life forms
all animals
all domestic (or cute/pet) animals and humans
all humans
all humans in their political/geographic region or "race"/ethnicity
all members of their own family or social group
only themselves

Logical proof (derivation) for above argument:
1 A pr
2 W pr
3 A->B pr
4 B->C pr
5 (C&W)->D pr
6 Show: D DD
7 B 1,3,MP
8 C 7,4,MP
9 C&W 8,2,&I
10 D 9,5,MP