-The Edge-

I am dancing swiftly,
on the edge of insanity's peak;
as people often must,
in order to please.
And for you,
who I do not know,
I am exploring the inner, darker,
double-dealing corners of consciousness...

In all honesty,
I am afraid;
and like a man,
who dangles from a cliff,
by one fragile hand,
in the heart of the earth shaking thunder,
torrential rains,
and glaciel winds of an artic storm,
I deserve to be so.

I am standing quietly atop a mountain
with enchanting views,
of maddening natural beauty,
as old, firm, and mysterious,
as the twilight sky is beautiful,
and I am ever so cautious,
for I tread in places that a man,
should never have seen...
-Grayfire- 16:59

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