Oh...to be a MAGE

hen I played D&D I was always some form of spell casting character, whether through natural abilities or through training, and it was good. When I found out about Vampire the masquerade, the Tremere had an undeniable lure, and the Uktena from Were-wolf made my pulse race, combining the "spell casting" ability that I desired so much, with a comparible body, and it was great. But when the reality splitting Mages appeared, I became obsessed, it was like a God send just for power hungry, manipulative, bastards just like me. I don't know where I'd be without my weekly Mage dose, because it's just so...stimulating.

Ander's well known page.

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Some people would say what I believe in, could place me to close to the realms of insanity...well, I no longer care what they think.
